Yuj [yeewg]

A Sanskrit root word that means “to unite” “to add” or “to join“. It is the origin of the word yoga, which is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.

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Your New Home For Yoga

Yuj isn’t just a word, it’s our mission. Our studio provides a welcoming space for members of our community to unite and grow together. Whether you enjoy relaxing restorative classes or sweaty infrared hot yoga, there is a space for you. We’re committed to your wellness journey and making holistic yoga practices + education more accessible. See you this spring in North Fargo.

Yuj [yeewg]

A Sanskrit root word that means “to unite” “to add” or “to join“. It is the origin of the word yoga, which is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.

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